Tangoe ServiceNow API

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Service Entitlements API

The service entitlements API allows you to retrieve the list of Tangoe Business Services to which your organization is currently subscribed. You may then use one of these entitlements in your case submissions. The entitlement you select will affect how your case is routed in Tangoe's support system. To ensure optimal turnaround times, you should work with your Tangoe Support contact to determine which of your entitlements to use for various request scenarios. Submitting a case with no entitlement or with the wrong entitlement could significantly delay its processing.

GET/api/tango/v1/integrations/service_entitlementsRetrieve the list of entitlements

Query Parameters

limitoptionalThe maximum number of results returned per page (default: 10)
offsetoptionalOffset option specifies the number of items in the queried collection to be skip

Retrieving Service Entitlements

Retrieving service entitlements is for informational purposes only. You cannot modify this information via API. This information changes when there are contractual changes to your service offering.

Example Request and Response

Note: - Below are example requests and responses, please use the appropriate base URL


curl "https://tangoe.service-now.com/api/tango/v1/integrations/service_entitlements" \
--request GET \
--header "Accept:application/json" \
--user 'username':'password'


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
  "result": [
      "entitlement_name": "Mobile Service Desk - Mobile",
      "entitlement_id": "7594faefdb9de08fce9af961964"
      "entitlement_id": "7194faefdb9d3ce9af961964"
      "entitlement_name": "Mobile Optimization - Audit Management",
      "entitlement_id": "fb0eef1bdbc98765a77dc961948"
    {...} // record skipped for readability purposes
